Celebrate our 14th Heritage Award Celebration

Schuylkill River Heritage Center will hold our
14th Heritage Award Celebration
October 19, 2023 5:30-8:00 PM
We are honoring The Hankin Group to recognize their dedicated investment to restore and reinvent the Foundry Building as a major component of Phoenixville’s past and its future.
This special event will take place at
2 N. Main Street in Phoenixville
$85 per Person
Proceeds from this event will support our initiative to restore the Phoenix Wheel and place it on the Borough’s property, adjacent to the French Creek Trail.
To register call 610-783-0645 or email: allbar@aol.com.
Payment can be made online at givebutter.com/phoenixwheel. Please write Heritage Celebration and the number of attendees (at $85 each) in the payment description.
The Schuylkill River Heritage Center thanks and recognizes our Heritage Award Celebration Sponsors.
Aqua, an Essential Utilities Company
Beausang, Butera, Cohen & Brennan, Attorneys at Law
Carnevale Eustis Architects, Inc.
Carroll Engineering Corporation
Chester County Economic Development Council
Chester County Industrial Authority
Colonial Gardens
Mr. & Mrs. Michael & Karen Czajka
Mr. & Mrs. Gern & WHitney Jaeger
Mr. Richard A. Kunsch, Sr.
Malvern Capital Wealth Management
Mr. & Mrs. James & Joan Moore
Phoenixville Federal Bank & Trust
Mr. & Mrs. James & Janet Reading
Sly Fox Brewing Company
Steel City Displays